Monday, October 12, 2009

Study in Bulgaria

nternational students can apply for higher education study in Bulgaria under the provisions of inter-state and inter-government treaties in the sphere of student exchange, as well as various cultural and scientific projects, or enroll in a paid program. Foreign citizens, who apply for study in Bulgarian higher education institutes, must have a document for completed secondary education, providing access to the higher education institutions in the country of graduating secondary education, or a document for completed higher education, or a higher education degree.

The minimum average grade of the school disciplines from the document for completed secondary education, which are forming the entrance grade for the chosen specialty, should be no lower than 62 percent of the maximum value of the grading system in the country of acquired education.
Foreign students are enrolled in Bulgarian higher education institutions on the basis of diploma review on compliance with any specific requirements the university might have.


1. Passport photographs 6.
2. Application form filled in with the student's personal data and address for correspondence.
3. A copy of those pages of the candidate's international passport where his/her full name is, "written in Latin letters, as well as his/her date and place of birth.
4. A copy of the secondary education diploma of £be candidate, certificated by a notary public, translated into English / Bulgarian and legalized with an AP0STIILLE stamp or by the Bulgarian consulate / embassy in the respective country.
5. Appendix: to the Diploma (grades), translated into English / Bulgarian and legalized with an APOSTTLLE stamp or by the Bulgarian consulate / embassy in foe respective country; an important prerequisite for admission at VHJ "Chernorizets Harbor" is that the grades in the subjects in which the candidate is to sit entrance examinations (Mathematics and Physics for fee engineering specialties and Language and History for the humanitarian specialties) should not be lower than 62% of the top grade for the country where the student has graduated
6. Certificate issued by the candidate's secondary school which declares the candidate entitled to continue his/her education in any university in his/her country. Translated into English / Bulgarian and legalized with an APOSTILLE stamp or by the Bulgarian consulate / embassy in the respective country.
7. Certificate of health translated into English / Bulgarian and legalized with an APOSHLLE stamp or by the Bulgarian consulate / embassy in the respective country. The date of issuing of the confiscate has to be at least one month before the date of submitting the documents. An important prerequisite for admission is that the candidate should not suffer from daltonism and not have a medical record at a psychiatric hospital.
8. Declaration of identify of names (applies to people who have double citizenship, one Bulgarian; it can be obtained from Bulgarian institutions by place of residence of fee citizen).
9. Address registration (applies to people who have double citizenship, one Bulgarian; it can be obtained from Bulgarian institutions by place of residence of the citizen).
10. Declaration by the parents (guardians), who states their will to provide the financial allowance of the candidate during his/her stay in Bulgaria, translated into English / Bulgarian and legalized by the Bulgarian consulate / embassy in the respective country.
11. Bank bordereau for paid annual fee for education at VFU " Chernorizets Harbor".
12. Health security document (for people having Bulgarian citizenship - according to the national health security system; for foreign citizens - international health security).

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